Jesus said "...whoever comes to me I will never reject." (John 6:37)
To hear the audio messages, click on the underlined titles.
I offer it to You Lord! (2/27/2000)
The WORD has got to be lived. (1/30/2000)
Come follow Me. (1/23/2000)
Be a person of faith, pray now! (1/16/2000)
The Father is pleased with the Son. (1/09/2000)
Tithing - Who really gets the gift. (1/02/2000)
We are not to be divided. (12/26/1999)
The most important words in scripture. (12/19/1999)
Do you know Jesus? (12/12/1999)
We must change if Jesus is in us. (12/05/1999)
When did we feed you? (11/28/1999)
Parable of the talents. (11/14/1999)
Live in the state of grace.. (11/07/1999)
Call no man Father. (10/31/99)
We must be radically different! (10/24/99)
Give to God what is God's. (10/17/99)
The kingdom of God is like .... (10/10/99)
We need not apologize for the Church. (09/26/99)
Who hurt you today! (09/12/99)
I belong to You! (08/29/99)
God tells us what to do! (08/22/99)
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